A Celebration of Star Trek!
May 07, 2016
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the airing of Star Trek, DePaul Pop Culture Conference presented A Celebration of Star Trek in 2016.
We raised over $1200 for Chimp Haven--
Our Distinguished Contributions to Popular Culture Award Recipient was Brannon Braga--
Our Writer Keynote Speaker was Lisa Klink--
Our Academic Keynote was Dr. Lincoln Geraghty--
A tribute lecture to Leonard Nimoy was given by John and Maria Jose Tenuto.
Idic: Philosophy and Star Trek
The Federation: Politics and Star Trek
Through the Wormhole: Reevaluating DS9
Academic Keynote: Dr. Lincoln Gergahty - “‘A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars’: History, Myth and American Culture in Star Trek.”
History of the Klingon Empire, Part I
The Cultural Impact of Star Trek
Trekkies, Trekkers, And Beyond: Fandom of Star Trek
Learn Klingon
Star Trek and Gender
Llap: The Future According to Star Trek
Canon, Fanon, and In-Between: Star Trek Fan Works
Generations of Trek: Film, TV, and the Evolution of Star Trek
Producer Keynote: Brannon Braga
Writer Keynote: Lisa Klink
History of the Klingon Empire, Part II
Debating The Future: Otherness and Privilege in Star Trek
Star Trek: Fan Phenomena
Lecture: Leonard Nimoy Tribute: John Tenuto and Maria Jose Tenuto
Klingon: A Case Study af Conlangs in Mass Media
Beam Me Up: Star Trek Performance
The Future Is Here: Science and Technology in Star Trek
Klingon Christmas Carol
Teaching Trek: Pedagogy and Star Trek
Queer Identities in Cosplay And Fandom
Fantasy Draft Crew!